PPC is the fastest growing method of digital marketing, with its ability to instantly reach an audience, gain fast conversions, and put you in control of your spend.
However, when a campaign is set up improperly, it will quickly disappoint by delivering poor results.
Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are four common errors that could be causing your PPC to perform poorly, and how to amend them.
Sending traffic to a weak landing page
If your Ads are receiving lots of clicks but no conversions then the culprit it most likely to be your landing page, rather than your ad.
The one purpose of your landing page is to gain conversions, so a weak one will not fulfil the potential that your PPC ad has or deliver your desired results.
Having too many CTAs, not being clear about what you’re delivering or asking for too much information too soon are three common errors that cause landing pages to fail. To discover some tips on how to make your landing page successful, click here.
Poor budget
Many people are hesitant to invest and put their money elsewhere, particularly during this economic downturn… however setting a low budget will only generate poor results and create an unprofitable campaign.
To make PPC worthwhile, it’s advisable to set your daily budget as a minimum of £5-10 per day. Taking the time to thoroughly research and bid on the keywords that will perform the best, rather than choosing the cheapest ones, will bring better results from your ad.
Not understanding search intent
Search intent refers to the intention behind a search query. Google’s algorithm is constantly trying to improve this to bring users more relevant results to their search queries, and the same consideration needs to be taken when writing your ad copy.
Understanding not only who your target audience is, but how they search for your products or service is crucial to the success of your Ad.
Using Google’s Keyword Planner is a useful way to do this, as it will show you what search terms are being frequently searched for based on your chosen Keyword.
Be aware that your audience will be at different stages in their buying journey, which will generate varying search terms. For example, Somebody searching for ‘comfortable trainers’ is at the initial stage — identifying that they have a problem they want to resolve.
Users searching for ‘[Keyword] cost’ have already given their product some thought — and are comparison shopping by looking at either reviews or price.
Finally, search queries such as ‘[Keyword] for sale, are ready to spend money, and these are the segment of people that you want to drive the most traffic to, because they will make the easiest conversions.
Lack of time investment
PPC is unfortunately not a one hit wonder. All campaigns need regularly reviewing and optimising to deliver the best results. Experimenting with ‘phrase match’ and ‘exact match’ is a good way to test which one works better, as is reviewing the relevancy of your Keywords.
A/B testing (also known as ‘split testing’) refers to creating two of the same ad, but changing a variable of each, to test which one scores the higher results.
Some variables you can change are:
- Ad copy
- Call to action
- Landing page
- Ad headline
Knowing what works for your audience and what doesn’t will provide you with the valuable and first-hand knowledge required to set the benchmark for future campaigns.
We have helped many clients fulfil their business goals with PPC and we can help you too.
At Website Success, we have worked with a multitude of clients over the years to get their paid advertising up to scratch and deliver the results they want.
If your PPC failed in the past, is performing poorly now, or if you’d like to start from scratch, then call us on 01243 888555 to get started.
We also offer free consultations, so just click here to book your 1-1 chat.