Google Vs Facebook Ads
In most cases and experiences with businesses, people tend to treat different advertising channels, such as Facebook and Google Ads, as enemies and test
them against each other to determine which advertising pathway delivers them the best results.
But, instead of treating it as a 'one or the other' scenario, try to think in terms of one AND the other.
Both of these major marketing channels have their own advantages and disadvantages, but when used together, they can be twice as effective as separated
channel and can deliver you top-level marketing results (especially if your competitors are sticking to the previous 'one or the other' approach.
The secret to using both channels to their full potential, is to let each channel help where the other is lacking.
Here are a few examples:
Build brand recognition with Facebook and seal the deal with Google.
A well-optimised campaign on Facebook will serve its purpose well by reaching out to an audience that may not be directly interested in your services and
informing them about your brand. This can really help drive forward the number of searches for your brand on Google and with Google ads, will then
show your brand at the top of the page, therefore leading them through to your website.
An online advertising company, WordStream, ran a test and found that advertising on Facebook led to a 34% increase in Google brand searches.
This actually has a very simple explanation; the people that are interested in your Facebook adverts usually want to learn a bit more about your company
and what you do, so instead of clicking your ad, they tend to leave Facebook and search your brand name, to get the information they want.
The key to this working well is also very simple, all you have to do is include your brand name as a keyword in your Google campaigns and match the messaging
to your Facebook ads. Doing this will allow the interested audience to find exactly what they're looking for and makes your business look more professional
and reliable.
Target Your Facebook Advert Headlines as Keywords
It's not always your brand that gets searched on Google as it's very common for potential customers to forget what your business is called. If a business
has a catchy headline, this can be much more memorable than a name, which can in some cases, actually generate more direct searches than the brand
To avoid missing out on potential customers, make sure to be consistent with your phrases and include them in both advert channels. An example would be this everlasting pen by a company called Gizmotechno. It's very clear that this company focuses on its headline, as it's very catchy
and to the point, which has led to increased searches for the headline as this is more memorable than the company's name. All Gizmotech has to do now,
is match this headline on Google and this will help users find the company they have previously seen in a Facebook advert, improving reliability for
the users and boosting the chances of a conversion.
Need some help with your marketing? Website Success have an in-house, dedicated digital marketing team who can help build your online audience and drive
your business to success. Whether it's SEO, PPC or anything marketing you need,
don't hesitate to get in touch! Find our contact details here or pop in to our Chichester-based offices
for a chat!
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