eCommerce, also known as E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce, is the buying and selling of products or services via the Internet. Mobile commerce is one
of the technologies that E-Commerce uses and it is defined as conducting online commercial transactions through handheld technology.
Increasingly, people are turning to mobile commerce for purchasing goods on the Internet. In the UK 52% of visits to retail websites are via a mobile and
36% are followed through with a sale via smart phone or tablet. This is partly due to the massive rise in mobile phone sales, with companies such as
Apple selling 10 million phones in the first weekend of release for iPhone 6. Mobile commerce is worth US$230 billion (£143 billion). Mobile phones,
especially smart phones, are now becoming the norm because they offer access to almost everything we use electronically on a daily basis. In 2014,
there is predicted to be 2.4 billion devices sold such as PCs, tablets, ultra mobiles and mobile phones and, of those, 88% will be accredited to mobile
phones and tablets.
Ofcom's statistics of people in the UK using mobile devices:
Proportion of adults who personally own/use a mobile phone in the UK |
92% (Q1 2013) |
93% (Q1 2014) |
Proportion of UK adults with a smartphone |
51% (Q1 2013) |
61% (Q1 2014) |
Proportion of adults who live in a mobile-only home |
15% (Q1 2013) |
16% (Q1 2014) |
Number of UK mobile subscriptions |
83.4 million (Q4 2012) |
83.1 million (Q4 2013) |
Proportion of people who use their mobile handset to access
the internet |
49% (Q1 2013) |
57% (Q1 2014) |
By offering mobile commerce to your clients it makes the technology available to your customers to quickly and easily purchase your products or services
on-the-go. The sales of tablets and smart phones is predicted to outweigh the sales of PCs in 2015 as the demand for on-the-go technology is set to
increase. At Website Success we can ensure that mobile commerce is available to your customers, why not give us a call to discuss how we can help.
You need to make it as easy as possible for your customers to order and you can be assured that if you don't make mobile commerce available to your
customers all your competitors will.